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※ 표기된 수강료는 교재비가 포함된 금액입니다.
※ 에이클래스 모든 강좌의 교재비는 수강신청 후에는 '강좌 시청여부와 상관없이' 환불 되지 않는 점 참고바랍니다.
※ 수업의 경우는 환불규정에 의거해 진행 되는 점 미리 안내드립니다.
1. Romeo and Juliet 1. Introduction to Romeo and Juliet and Historical Context 19 분
2. Romeo and Juliet 2. Introduction of the characters 19 분
3. Romeo and Juliet 3. Act 1 Analysis - The Feud Begins 17 분
4. Romeo and Juliet 4. Act 1 Extract Analysis & Essay Outline 16 분
5. Romeo and Juliet 5. Act 2 Analysis - Forbidden Love 20 분
6. Romeo and Juliet 6. Act 2 Extract Analysis & Essay Outline 1 13 분
7. Romeo and Juliet 7. Act 2 Extract Analysis & Essay Outline 2 13 분
8. Romeo and Juliet 8. Act 3 Analysis - Tragedy Unfolds 17 분
9. Romeo and Juliet 9. Act 3 Extract Analysis & Essay Outline 13 분
10. Romeo and Juliet 10. Act 4 Analysis - Desperation and Deception 17 분
11. Romeo and Juliet 11. Act 4 Extract Analysis & Essay Outline 14 분
12. Romeo and Juliet 12. Act 5 Analysis - Tragic Endings 19 분
13. Romeo and Juliet 13. Act 5 Extract Analysis & Essay Outline 11 분
14. Romeo and Juliet 14. Themes - Love and Passion 12 분
15. Romeo and Juliet 15. Themes - Fate and Free Will 15 분
16. Romeo and Juliet 16. Themes - Family and Society 15 분
17. Romeo and Juliet 17. Character Analysis - Romeo and Juliet 15 분
18. Romeo and Juliet 18. Character Analysis - Mercutio and Tybalt 14 분
19. Romeo and Juliet 19. Motifs - Light and Dark Imagery 15 분
20. Romeo and Juliet 20. Setting and Atmosphere 17 분